As many of you know, I had surgery in November to implant a spinal cord stimulator to help with my chronic pain. In January, while I was still healing, my husband fell on the ice and badly broke his leg. It required surgery and a titanium rod from the knee to the ankle. I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to take good care of him while he recovered but that fear is gone.
I’m nearly fully healed, and because of the implant, I have been able to take care of my husband and do mostly everything necessary. And I have fantastic neighbors who take care of all my snow and take my trash cans up to the curb (it’s uphill and I’m not quite up to that yet) on pick-up days.
I continue to work on Bella Valeriana, fine-tuning the formula and testing the results. I’m happy to report that Michael has been using it as he’s healing – and can sleep through the night. So excited! I have a few other testers and am awaiting their reports.
Oh, and I finished another class.
January was a busy month!
Stay healthy and wear good shoes when you shovel snow!
Kathy is an herbalist/naturopathic practitioner who is constantly researching to expand her knowledge. She came to herbalism after her migraine medicine was suddenly removed from the market and she had to find something new. After discovering the magic of herbs she’s never looked back. She is accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and is an Associate Member of the American Herbalist Guild.