Herbal Academy
Whew! This year has been a significant year of study! I’m happy to say I just finished the Herbal Academy’s Business Herbal Course! It’s a 150-hour course designed to help those interested in running an herbal business or… Continue reading
It’s finished, complete, done.
It was a grueling two-and-a-half-month, six-class course of study on Medicinal Plants at Cornell University’s online eCornell hub. Tons of research, videos, reading, and assignments and I’m so happy I did it.
Why did I… Continue reading
I’m so excited to announce that I’ve finished my Advanced Herbal Course of Study at the Herbal Academy. (www.theherbalacademy.com) It was a 500-hour course of study which really equates to thousands more than that because of study time… Continue reading
Feverfew (tanaceum parthenium)
Although there has been extensive research about the benefits of feverfew for migraines, I thought I’d share my own – real world – observations.
Feverfew is a gorgeous… Continue reading