Easy Herbal Remedies

Herbal Academy

Whew! This year has been a significant year of study!  I’m happy to say I just finished the Herbal Academy’s Business Herbal Course! It’s a 150-hour course designed to help those interested in running an herbal business or… Continue reading

It’s finished, complete, done.

It was a grueling two-and-a-half-month, six-class course of study on Medicinal Plants at Cornell University’s online eCornell hub.  Tons of research, videos, reading, and assignments and I’m so happy I did it.

Why did I… Continue reading

Feverfew (tanaceum parthenium)

Although there has been extensive research about the benefits of feverfew for migraines, I thought I’d share my own – real world – observations.

Feverfew (transplanted from Jale’s Garden) Photo by Kathy McCabe

Feverfew is a gorgeous… Continue reading

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