I’m in heaven, I’m loving this book! For Christmas this year, my hubby gave me John Gerard’s The Herbal or General History of Plants, the complete 1633 edition as revised and enlarged by Thomas Johnson (2015). It’s a massive book – 12.5 Tall by 9 wide (18 inches wide when open!!) and it weighs a whopping 11.5 pounds! But it’s a gorgeous book.
Why would I get such an old book? I love reading the ancient plant descriptions and plant properties. Its fastinating to follow the changes in research from their beginning to modern day. Its amazing to see the original herbalists disagreeing with each other about a plant’s properties.
Overall, I highly recommend the book, for anyone – whether they be herbalist or just love old books. I know technically its not an old book, but being based upon one is almost as good.
If you’re interested in this book, I found it on Amazon. And I know it’s expensive, but the hardbound book will not disappoint.
Happy Reading!

Kathy is an herbalist/naturopathic practitioner who is constantly researching to expand her knowledge. She came to herbalism after her migraine medicine was suddenly removed from the market and she had to find something new. After discovering the magic of herbs she’s never looked back. She is accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) and is an Associate Member of the American Herbalist Guild.