Herbal Journal

Easy Herbal Remedies

Herbal TeasI can feel the chill in the air in the mornings – and I’m seeing colors changing on the trees – It’s Fall!  I know that also means flu, colds, and various bugs flying around in the air as… Continue reading

Recently I was able to visit a country store with an apothecary wall. Hundreds of antique bottles, boxes, and tins lined the shelves and I couldn’t resist taking a picture.

Apothecary Wall, Image by Kathy McCabe
“Apothecary Wall” image by Kathy McCabe, Hilltop Photography.http://www.hilltop.photos

Being… Continue reading

I’ve been busy in my kitchen lately. I’m harvesting wonderful goodies such as feverfew, salvias, speedwells, sorrels, lavenders, mint, lemon balm, plantain, and more. All hanging in my little corner to dry for later use – except those I used… Continue reading


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